COVID-19 measures

Please make sure to read through the list below. By making an appointment you agree to have read and understood the safety measures.

* Stay at home if you or anyone in your household symptoms of a cold, fever or flu-like symptoms. Thank you for contacting me to cancel/modify the appointment.

* Please come alone to the appointment.

* Please wear a face mask when entering the premises. If you feel comfortable, the mask may be removed during the treatment (while in lying position).
* Thank you for disinfecting your hands upon entering and leaving the premises.
* Please arrive on time, but not more than 5 minutes before your appointment.

* The toilet can be used, but if possible, please try to avoid using it. The toilet is regularly cleaned according to guidelines.
* Between each treatment hands and forearms are washed with disinfectant soap; and points of contact such as the door handles, armrests of the chairs etc. will be cleaned.
* The treatment area has access to an open door, which will be opened during treatment if weather allows, and after every treatment with enough time planned to air the area as much as possible.
* The intake/follow-up conversation takes place (as far as possible) at a distance of 1.5 meters. Physical contact is kept to a minimum (reflexology is mostly directed at the feet/lower leg, hence a safe distance is provided), and when possible, no conversations take place during the treatment.